Health Wagon


The Health Wagon is a nonprofit organization providing mobile health services to the medically underserved in Southwest Virginia since 1980. This is an annual report I designed for the Health Wagon.


Product Designer

User Research, Interaction, Visual Design, Prototypiing

Fall 2018


Health Wagon is a Virginia based- nonprofit organization that provides multiple health services in Virginia. The Health Wagon  routinely represent medically underserved individuals   throughout Virginia. They offer a wide range of services and assist more than 4,000 patients obtain access to care valued at over $5 million.

Understanding the Problem

The Health Wagon had an established brand, the issue was compiling all of the statistics and  information in a user friendly way that will appeal to users. The Health Wagon had a long list of services that they offered. The biggest challenge was finding the most visually appealing way to display all the services they provide. 
Further research of previous annual reports and interviews with our primary users, Allowed me to uncover difficulties that the organization had experienced with their previous designs .

My research encompassed:
  • Understanding the user goals and needs
  • Uncovering design challenges through balancing information
  • Determining the value and prioritizing information

Final Product

Results and Takeaways

This annual report implemented a simple and clean way to display the Health Wagon’s numerous services they offer. I have received a lot positive feedback from multiple users about the simplified configuration  and layout of the services they offer.

Some key takeaways from this project are:

  • Create a strategic plan to improve and correlate with the existing  brand. This helps decrease confusion and helps maintain consistency of design elements throughout the project. 
  • User testing doesn’t end after development. Design is a constant iteration of improving the experience for the end user. Always find ways to collect and listen to your user’s and client’s feedback.